Each mango has a unique flavor and texture, so you should try different varieties at different phases of ripening, and at different times of the year. You won´t regret!

We have more than 1250 hectares of organic mango production of the following varieties



TEXTURE: Firm pulp due to its fibrous constitution

COLOR: A dark reddish blush covers most of the fruit with accents of yellowish green and orange

SHAPE: Medium to large with oval or oblong shape.

RIPE INDICATORS: This mango may not show visual indicators. It should be given a slight squeeze to judge the ripening.


FLAVOR: Sweet and buttery

TEXTURE: Juicy and tender pulp with limited fiber

COLOR: Dark green and often has a dark reddish blush over a small area of the ​​mango.

SHAPE: Large with oval shape.

MATURATION INDICATORS: Kent has yellow hues or spots that cover the mango more as it matures. It should be given a slight squeeze to judge the ripening.



TEXTURE: Firm and juicy pulp with limited fiber

COLOR: Dark to medium green, sometimes with a pinkish blush over a small area of ​​the mango.

SHAPE: Long oval shape

MATURATION INDICATORS: The skin remains green even when ripe. It should be given a slight squeeze to judge the ripening.


FLAVOR: Sweet and creamy

TEXTURE: Smooth and firm pulp, without fiber

COLOR: Vibrant yellow

SHAPE: Oval and flat shape, small

MATURATION INDICATORS: The skin turns a deep golden color and when fully matures small wrinkles appear. It should be given a slight squeeze to judge the ripening.


FLAVOR: Buttery, with aromatic nuances

TEXTURE: The firm pulp is due to fine fibers

COLOR: Bright red with green and yellow hues and white dots

SHAPE: Medium to large with oval to round shape

MATURATION INDICATORS: The green areas of the mango turn yellow as it ripens. It should be given a slight squeeze to judge the ripening.


FLAVOR: Buttery and sweet

TEXTURE: Soft and juicy pulp, with fiber

COLOR: Bright yellow skin, with green hues

SHAPE: Oblong and S-shaped

RIPENING INDICATORS: The green hues diminish and the yellow becomes more golden as the mango matures. It should be given a slight squeeze to judge the ripening.


TEXTURE: Excellent quality pulp, devoid of fibers and yellow in color.

COLOR: Very characteristic purple skin, with orange, yellow or greenish areas.

SHAPE: it has an ovoid shape, elongated.